Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Design Principles and Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Design Principles and Practice - Coursework Example The infant is placed inside a jogging stroller and the runner can then push or pull the stroller to carry the weight of the infant. Other than running, the jogging stroller can also be used to transport infants over commutes because the strollers are safe by design and requirement. This report examines all major design principles and practices required to create an innovative jogging stroller. Pahl and Beitz model Market Research on Existing Devices Market research indicated that myriad companies are already manufacturing jogging strollers. The current models that are available are able to satisfy most customer requirements. Generally jogging strollers are three wheeled, vary in weight from manufacturer to manufacturer and could be foldable or fixed. (Jogging Stroller, 2011) Safety is mandatory. Seating capacity could be for one or two infants who are placed either inline or abreast on the jogging stroller as per design. Moreover, the wheels on jogging strollers are roughly 18 inches in diameter. Harnesses are also included so that the runner may tie themselves into the jogging stroller. (Luff, 2011) However, other models are available that can be pushed around. The handle bars are adjustable and storage bins have been provided to store infant accessories. (Running Advisor, 2011) Standard bare bones jogging strollers (one seat version on left and two seat version on right) Market Research from Potential Users In order to ascertain the requirements of potential users, I went to parks around the campus and interviewed parents using jogging strollers. This helped to precipitate both the good points and bad points in the jogging strollers. Most users related that the three wheel design was stable enough to prevent overturning. Wheel size is also acceptable at around 18 inches. In my survey I found only a very few jogging strollers with harnesses. Those who were using harnesses were not happy with their performance as the claimed that harnesses restricted use and ca used unwanted strain. Others who did not use harnesses said that they preferred to push jogging strollers around than become cart horses. This implies that as per aesthetics people prefer jogging strollers that can be pushed around. Moreover, when people were inquired about the appearance of the jogging stroller most people believed that the bare bones jogging strollers looked ugly. Most expressed a desire to purchase better looking models. Therefore, there exists a potential to sell a slightly expensive jogging stroller if it is made beautiful enough. The desire to have more aesthetically pleasing jogging strollers was most common amongst younger mothers (20 to 30 years old). The older mothers (30 and above) were mostly indifferent to how the jogging stroller looked. Market Research (British and European Union Standards) Under British regulations both new and used prams and push chairs must adhere to BS 7409:1996 or equivalently to BS EN 1888:2003 (equivalent European standard). Th is standard is largely concerned with safety of infants in the prams and push chairs category and sets guidelines for rollover and other similar incident prevention. Another applicable standard is BS 1877-10 which specifies the various kinds of mattresses and bumpers that are used in perambulators for children. The mattresses must allow for a certain degree of softness as well as ensure circulation of air to ensure that the child is comfortable even during long walks and runs under the sun. Another important device is the safety harness in use on push chairs which is covered by BS 6684. (BSI, 2005) Furthermore, the material used to construct children’
Monday, October 28, 2019
College Degree Necessary Essay Example for Free
College Degree Necessary Essay In Barbara Ehrenreich’s article, â€Å"The Higher Education Scam†she expresses her feelings about employers looking specifically for college grads to fill their positions. Ehrenreich seems to be voicing her feelings to employers because they are beginning to look specifically for college grads, instead of people who may have more experience and knowledge, or even currently work for the organization. She claims that employers seek college grads merely because they have a college degree and it shows they have the ability to listen and obey. Deep within Ehrenreich seems to be attacking the college grads by saying that once they have finished school and earned their degree, they are now slaves to the employers. Her claim is quite logical and the examples she gives validate what she is saying. Conversely, she seems to be going on a theory with her argument and her attacks on the college grads for going to school and earning a degree detracts from the value she has built up. Finally, Ehrenreich’s argument is effective to some degree, but lack of personal experience leave the article with a flaw. Ehrenreich uses value and emotion within her article to get the attention of her audience. We all need jobs in order to get through life and if you want to have a good job, you need to get a degree. This puts a lot of value in what you need to accomplish because the final product is suppose to be worth it, and employers will only hire you if you are a college grad. Ehrenreich uses this example to connect with her audience and adds to the credibility of her argument. Throughout the article Ehrenreich adds humor to help make an emotional connection with her audience. She says that whatever you learn in college doesn’t seem to matter. All that employers are looking at is that you were able to sit still for long periods of time, be told what to do, and appear awake. Ehrenreich is saying that no matter what degree you’ve just earned, all employers are looking at is that you devoted 4 years doing what your told. She adds, â€Å"no college has yet been honest enough to offer a degree in seat-warming†(696). This is most likely what you will end up doing when you begin working at a white-collar job anyways, so by hiring you they know you are able to do what they ask. She also goes on to imply that you will be desperate for work because of the debt you have just accrued and you won’t become a troublemaker, or whistle blower. You’ll basically grovel at their every need and do exactly what your told. Ehrenreich adds to the credibility of her article by giving examples of people who have been able to do something and do it well, but didn’t have a degree to back it up. They were either dismissed from their job, or called out on it once they became popular. She gives the example about Marilee Jones who worked for MIT as the dean of admissions for twenty-eight years. Marilee claimed she had three degrees and yet she really didn’t have any. Now if Marilee had done a poor job as the dean of admission it would be easy to forgive and remove her from her position, yet she was very successful and it was threatening to an institution of higher learning. This gives us an emotional appeal because it’s a personal story of sadness for Marilee and it causes the audience to wonder if a college degree is really worth it. She did a good job for the institution and just because she didn’t have a degree, they were willing to dismiss her. Is that really all the companies want is a degree; or do they want someone who is going to do a great job for their organization? Throughout Ehrenreich’s article she stays pretty true to her argument, employers seek out college grads. Although she puts in the example of â€Å"Dr. Dennis Waitley Ph. D†who is known for writing a best selling self-help book The Secret. He confessed to not having a master’s degree and the marketing firm he worked for admitted that they couldn’t confirm he ever received his Ph. D. This example adds to Ehrenreich’s credibility, but it seems to go off what she talks about in the majority of her article, which seems to be more along the lines of employers. It does however stay true to her title, â€Å"The Higher Education Scam†. For her article to be spot on with her argument, she should have stuck more with education and touched on different subjects like employers, writers, and other people in general who have not had college degrees, but were still successful in their fields. In Ehrenreich’s article she doesn’t attack anyone in particular with what she is saying, but she keeps her comments vague so it is up to the reader to interpret the hidden meaning. In the beginning she talks about the amount of lies being put into resumes in order for people to get certain positions they are applying for. She says, â€Å"that 10-30 percent of resumes include distortions if not outright lies†(696). She adds to this with some more humor in saying, â€Å"lying is a grievous sin, as everyone outside of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue knows†(696). This comment adds humor to the article as well as a little ad hominem because of the hidden attack. Ultimately, the article by Barbara Ehrenriech is effective. She shows credibility with the examples she uses and the only flaw seen is that she doesn’t have a personal example herself. She keeps humor going in the article, which keeps the audience drawn in and is very logical in her viewpoints. Ehrenreich really makes you think after reading her article. Should we go to college in order to get a degree and work for a good company? Should employers really just look for candidates that have earned that college degree hoping they will obey their every need? Should employers give there currently employees a chance to earn a college degree instead of being dismissed from their position? Is it worth over looking other candidates for positions strictly because they don’t have a degree when they will be able to do the same job and possibly do it better? To sum it all up, why do employers really need to be looking for a college degree? Is the time and money really worth it to earn that degree for a position that you are going to learn on the spot anyways? Employers really need to think about what they are doing and not just jump on the bandwagon and make hasty generalizations. Works Cited Ehrenreich, Barbara. â€Å"The Higher Education Scam. †Inventing Arguments, 2nd ed. Eds. John Mauk and John Metz. Boston: Wadsworth, 2009. Print. 69-697.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Management Information Systems :: Technology, Internet Banking, PDAs
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) The most common technology applied by MFIs is the management information system known as MIS. MIS is an integrated computer-based application used to access useful, timely and accurate information to allow the user to make appropriate decisions, and to manage information effectively and efficiently. MIS includes modules such as loans portfolio tracking, human resources, internal control, accounting, and financial analysis (CGAP, 2010). MIS is often one of the major factors that enable MFIs to achieve significant growth. Kashyap (2009) stressed that â€Å"It is difficult for an MFI to upscale significantly and maintain the accuracy and transparency of its loan portfolio without an MIS†.(PAGE?) PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (PDA) A personal digital assistant (PDA), also known as a palmtop computer, is a mobile device that functions as a personal information manager. MFIs employ PDAs to ease loan processing, improve loan officer efficiency, and increase data accuracy and access in the field. To get the maximum benefits from PDAs, MFIs should have a stable MIS, and high speed access to data from their branches (Waterfield, 2004). SMART CARDS Smart Cards are wallet-sized plastic cards have an embedded microchip that allows data storage, and works like an electronic passbook that allows MFI clients to carry all their related information on this microchip. Smart cards are used to manage savings accounts, disburse loans or make transfers (Whelan, 2004). Reliable electrical power for card readers, software integration between card readers and the central management information system, together with processes, policies, and staff resources for handling lost, stolen or damaged cards are required prior to the introduction of smart cards (Whelan, 2004). POINT OF SALE (POS) Point of sale (POS) is a device or system often linked to computers, bank card readers, or even mobile telephones, that is located at a physical location such as a retail outlet, in order to perform an electronic transfer from one account to another or from a customer to a retailer. Some MFIs have implemented this technology in order to increase the security of financial transactions, reduce transaction cost in order to serve clients, and to reach new areas without branch infrastructure (Owens, 2009) MOBILE PHONES Mobile banking is a way for clients to perform balance checks, account transactions, payments, etc. using a mobile phone. Mobile phones provide a new and rapidly developing technological alternative delivery channels to extend financial services to those excluded from formal financial systems. Mobile phones allow clients to call into an automated system to conduct business transactions, and to access and request information. Management Information Systems :: Technology, Internet Banking, PDAs MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) The most common technology applied by MFIs is the management information system known as MIS. MIS is an integrated computer-based application used to access useful, timely and accurate information to allow the user to make appropriate decisions, and to manage information effectively and efficiently. MIS includes modules such as loans portfolio tracking, human resources, internal control, accounting, and financial analysis (CGAP, 2010). MIS is often one of the major factors that enable MFIs to achieve significant growth. Kashyap (2009) stressed that â€Å"It is difficult for an MFI to upscale significantly and maintain the accuracy and transparency of its loan portfolio without an MIS†.(PAGE?) PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (PDA) A personal digital assistant (PDA), also known as a palmtop computer, is a mobile device that functions as a personal information manager. MFIs employ PDAs to ease loan processing, improve loan officer efficiency, and increase data accuracy and access in the field. To get the maximum benefits from PDAs, MFIs should have a stable MIS, and high speed access to data from their branches (Waterfield, 2004). SMART CARDS Smart Cards are wallet-sized plastic cards have an embedded microchip that allows data storage, and works like an electronic passbook that allows MFI clients to carry all their related information on this microchip. Smart cards are used to manage savings accounts, disburse loans or make transfers (Whelan, 2004). Reliable electrical power for card readers, software integration between card readers and the central management information system, together with processes, policies, and staff resources for handling lost, stolen or damaged cards are required prior to the introduction of smart cards (Whelan, 2004). POINT OF SALE (POS) Point of sale (POS) is a device or system often linked to computers, bank card readers, or even mobile telephones, that is located at a physical location such as a retail outlet, in order to perform an electronic transfer from one account to another or from a customer to a retailer. Some MFIs have implemented this technology in order to increase the security of financial transactions, reduce transaction cost in order to serve clients, and to reach new areas without branch infrastructure (Owens, 2009) MOBILE PHONES Mobile banking is a way for clients to perform balance checks, account transactions, payments, etc. using a mobile phone. Mobile phones provide a new and rapidly developing technological alternative delivery channels to extend financial services to those excluded from formal financial systems. Mobile phones allow clients to call into an automated system to conduct business transactions, and to access and request information.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Understand Employment Responsibilities
201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai: Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of information you could use to enable you to do this. Once you have identified a reliable source of information: Aii a) List three aspects of employment covered by law.Work Conditions (safety, discrimination, accommodation, etc. ) Wages Hours b) List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage Training Holiday entitlements Aiii Briefly outline why employment law exists. To protect the employee and the employer Nobody is discriminated racism is not in the work place No abuse, providing a safe work environment employee fairness people don’t work below minimum wage nobody is taken advantage of nobody is t ricked into unfavourable contracts. Task B Your work roleFor this task you will need the following: †¢ A copy of your contract of employment or employment agreement. If you don’t have a written contract of employment eg if you are employed as a personal assistant, discuss your terms and conditions with your employer and make notes to help you to complete the task; Evidence 1 †¢ A recent payslip or pay statement; Evidence 2 †¢ Access to your workplace policies and procedures or notes from a discussion with your employer if you are employed as a personal assistantBi Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement. Bii Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement. Salary before and after deductions Name national insurance number national insurance contribution tax contribution PAYE/employee number Biii Identify two changes to personal information which you must re port to your employer. Change of bank details Change of address Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work.You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. Bv Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas: 1. Data protection 2. Grievance 3. Conflict management 4. Anti-discriminatory practice 5. Health & safety 6. Confidentiality 7. Whistle blowing Bvi Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided. Bvii Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided by; a) Following best practice within your work role; Doing everything required I. e. raining,Be kind and caring to the residents and providing them with respect and dignity. b) Not carrying out the requirements of your role. By not following the role requirements you will be not doing your job well and following the right procedures and by that you can cause accidents and your not gi ving your fall attention by that people will be neglected and not get the fall care they need. Bviii Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives.Bix a) Identify two different representative bodies which influence your area of work. b) Describe the role of the two representative bodies you have identified. Task C Career Pathway Create a career pathway plan for yourself, indicating what opportunities are open to you as you progress in your chosen career. Indicate what you will need to learn or any qualifications you might need to gain in order to achieve your goals. Identify sources of information to help you achieve your goals. Task D Presentation or reportPrepare a presentation or report on an issue or area of public concern related to the care profession. Your presentation or report should include: †¢ A description of the issue or area of public concern rais ed †¢ An outline of the different points of view regarding the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ A description of how the issue or area of public concern has affected service provision and methods of working †¢ A description of how public opinion is affected by issues and areas of concern in either the health, social care or children’s and young people's sectors
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Political Stupidity
Amanda Ortiz, Swetaben Ahir, Nga Le, and Shantel Palmer Professor McDade English 1302 October 15, 2012 Political Stupidity, U. S. Style In E . J. Dionne’s essay, â€Å"Political Stupidity, U. S. Style†he wants to address the political stupidity that the government is making. To start his argument, he raises an emotional question, â€Å"Can a nation remain a superpower if its internal politics are incorrigibly stupid? †The author is saying are we letting politics, irrational ideas on fiscal policy and an antiquated political structure undermine our power.He divides political stupidity into three parts: stupid tax policies, irrational ideas on fiscal policy and antiquated political structure. In his essay, â€Å"Political Stupidity, U. S Style,†Dionne employs ethos, connotation and an emotional appeal. In paragraph sixteen, Dionne uses ethos. He writes, â€Å"I’m a chronic optimist about America. †E. J. Dionne is confident about the future to get better but we need well intentioned republicans who care about the nation interest to realize something has gone fundamentally wrong with their party and work to help bring it back.To get rid of political stupidity, he wants to form a senate, a new conservatism that is worthy of our name, liberals willing to speak out on the threat our daft politics poses to our influence in the world, and moderates. However the readers might have complete trust of the government of the United States and so they might not like someone questioning their credibility. In paragraph number seventeen, Dionne uses connotation saying â€Å"We need moderates who do more than stick their fingers in the wind to calculate the halfway point between two political poles. Dionne is hoping to make people aware of the political stupidity and the need to bring change in the system of politics. Sticking their fingers in the wind, means a person putting his finger in the wind is unlikely to come up with original solutions, and decisions are made without backing evidence. It says that the politicians are making blind decisions without even thinking about its consequences. It also makes them look like fools running the country. However, if some people think that the politicians were fools, the United States would not have been a super power.In paragraph seven, Dionne uses a strict emotional appeal as a mean to persuade his audience. He writes, â€Å"The simple truth is that the wealthy in the United States- the people who have made almost all the income gains in recent years- are under taxed compared with everyone else. †Consider two reports from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. One, issued last month, highlighted findings from the Congressional Budget Office showing that, â€Å"The gaps in after-tax income between the richest 1 percent of Americans and the middle and poorest fifths of the country more than tripled between 1979 and 2007. The other, from February, used Int ernal Revenue Service data to show that the effective federal income tax rate for the 400 taxpayers with the very highest incomes declined by nearly half in just over a decade, even as their pre-tax incomes have grown five times larger. He writes this, hoping that by using the reports from the Congressional Budget Office, he would be able to prove his point that the United States is politically stupid. It seems as if he is trying to bring awareness among the people of the United States about the decisions made by politicians.Although he has demonstrated his evidence very convincingly and it seems that he would get his readers attention and they would listen to his concerns but some of his readers think that he is being blunt and through his essay he is making direct acquisitions on the politicians of the United States. The United States is falling behind and the public seems not to notice. In paragraph number fourteen, Dionne talks about the structure of our government. He talks abo ut how the ratio between the largest and smallest state was 13 to 1. Now it’s 68 to 1.He writes,†because of the abuse of the filibuster, 41 senators representing less than 11 percent of the national population can, in principle, block action supported by 59 senators representing more than 89 percent of our population. And you wonder why it’s hard to get anything done in Washington? ’’ Dionne gives convincing evidence to support his claim which is the politics of the United States is stupid. He uses ethos and shows his concerns by saying he is a chronic optimist about America. He also uses reports to prove his point and persuade the audience. However he seems blunt and tells it like it is without any fear.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Child Psychology essays
Child Psychology essays Child development is a field of study devoted to understanding human constancy and change from conception to adolescence. There are three broad domains in developmental psychology: 1) Physical development: changes in body size, proportions, appearance, brain development, motor capacities, and physical health 2) Cognitive psychology: development of thought processes and intellectual ability, including attention, memory, problem solving, creativity, 3) Emotional and social development: emotional communication, self-understanding, ability to manage feelings, personal skills, friendship, and behavior. Each of these domains influences and are influenced by others. Child development is also segmented into five periods: 1) Prenatal period: from conception to birth, this is where the most rapid change occurs. 2) Infancy to toddlerhood: from birth to two years. Dramatic changes in the body and brain support emergence of motor skills, intimate ties with others. Infancy is the first year and toddlerhood is the second. 3) Early childhood: two to six years: body becomes longer and leaner, motor skills are refined and the child becomes more self-controlled. 4) Middle childhood: six to eleven years. Children learn about the wider world and master new responsibilities. 5) Adolescence: from 11 to 20. This is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. A theory is an integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior. Continuous development is a view which states development occurs gradually. Discontinuous development is the view which states that development occurs in stages that emerge at specific times. A stage is a qualitative change in thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterizes a specific period of development. Nature vs. Nurture is the disagreement among theorists about whether genetics or the environment factors are more important determinants of development a...
Monday, October 21, 2019
15 Quick and Easy College Breakfast Ideas
15 Quick and Easy College Breakfast Ideas If youre one of the rare college students who actually eat breakfast, chances are youre rushed for time and short on ideas. And if youre one of the many college students who skip breakfast, chances are youre hungry for most of the day. Eating breakfast- even during your crazy-busy college years- is, as your mom told you, highly important. That little morning meal can help you focus, maintain your energy, prevent you from overeating throughout the day, and generally help kick-start your day. So what kinds of things can you eat that wont break the bank- or your waistline? 15 College Breakfast Ideas Muffins. You can buy pre-packaged muffins or you can make them yourself. Either way, they wont go stale for a while and they are easy to grab (and eat!) as youre running out the door.Toasted English muffin and peanut butter. Its easy. Its cheap. And its full of protein to help you power through your day.Peanut butter and jelly. Even the busiest of students can find 30 seconds to put together this classic sandwich.A piece of fresh fruit. Consider an apple or a banana- theyre natures original to-go foods and theyre good for you, too.Granola or energy bars. Keep an eye on the calories, but these little bars can pack a big dose of protein to help you make it through your morning.Veggies. Who says you can only have fruit for breakfast? Grab a bag of baby carrots and munch all the way to class. Added bonus: You can keep the snack bag with you throughout the day and munch as needed.Yogurt. You can get yogurt in a cup, in a smoothie, or even in a frozen pop. And yogurt is a healthy breakfast that often tastes like dessert. Whats not to like? Cereal and milk. Its a classic for a reason. Consider buying cereal in bulk, too; you can split it with your friends and save some serious cash.Dry cereal in a baggie. Dont have time to eat a nice bowl of your favorite cereal with milk? Pour some cereal in a Ziploc bag for an instant, on-the-go snack.Trail mix. The stuff can last for weeks and is a great way to power up without losing too much time- or cash. Just make sure the mix you choose isnt candy in disguise.Breakfast burritos. You can buy frozen ones you can heat up in the microwave, or make your own ahead of time for maximum convenience and savings. Tortillas scrambled eggs cheese other tasty items an awesome breakfast you can eat on the run. Consider adding leftovers from last nights dinner (veggies, rice, beans, and meat) for variety and extra flavor.Frozen waffles or pancakes. You can buy these frozen or make them yourself and then freeze them. Either way, a quick drop in the toaster or microwave leads to a great hot b reakfast with little to no effort. Pop Tarts or their equivalent. Consider buying a generic brand; youll save money but still get a little morning treat.Cheese and crackers. Cut a few slices of cheese, grab some crackers, and throw everything in a small Ziploc bag. Youll have a tasty breakfast ready in under a minute.Dried fruit. A small baggie of dried apricots, pineapples, apples, or other fruits you enjoy is an easy way to get a healthy, fruit-based breakfast- without having to worry about the fruit going bad. Consider buying in bulk to save money.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question
To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question To Outline or Not to Outline, That is the Question By Guest Author This is a guest post by Idrees Patel. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Creative writers are divided into two camps: those who outline and those who don’t: the ones who write straight on and on. Is it wrong to outline? Which method brings the best results? From the beginning of writing, some people like to write an outline before starting writing. However, there are also many which hate to do so. And then there are some who mix the two methods to create their own method. But which is the best? There is no right answer for everyone. You must find your own right answer. Of course, this is the right answer but an elaboration for it isn’t quite a bad idea. So here’s the proper answer: outlining works for some people. And it doesn’t for others. The what and why of outlining is a must to know, so therefore, here is The What of Outlining To outline is to draw something of a big picture of your work (it may be anything, a novel, a story, a blog post, a sales letter etc) before starting to write the content. Outlining means to write all the ideas spinning in your mind down to paper and arrange them in a logical fashion to make the actual writing easier. Still confused? Here is the Wikipedia definition: An outline is a list of the main features of a given topic, often used as a rough draft or summary of the content of a document. A hierarchical outline is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships. Writers of fiction and creative nonfiction, such as Jon Franklin, may use outlines to establish plot sequence, character development and dramatic flow of a story, sometimes in conjunction with freewriting. Here is what a typical outline may look like: The abuses of television: How children stay late at night and don’t do their school homework How they hamper their eyesight by watching too much TV How bad programmes have a dangerous effect on teenagers How they dedicate too much time to it instead of taking part in useful pursuits And so on. The general opinion is that by doing outlining the writing process will become easier. Why? Because we now have a roadmap which we can follow. Or not The Advantages of Outlining 1. Not getting lost. This is clearly the biggest advantage. Some SOTP (seat of the pants writers) hate outlining. They write without having a roadmap and this is fun for some time. And then the inevitable happens. They don’t know what to write anymore. In contrast, having an outline means that writers always know what to write. 2. Deciding whether your work is good or not. If you don’t know how your story is going to end or go on, then you don’t really know whether it is good or not. It would be painful, wouldn’t it, to discover big plot holes and flaws after having written 50,000 words. Whereas if you outline you know instantly what flaws there are, and you can correct them easily. 3. Straying off the outline if you get a better way. If you are writing and then suddenly get an inspiration and think that the outline was poorer, you are entirely free to stray off the outline. It’s just that, an outline. This way you can compare the two ways, and decide which is better. You couldn’t do this if you didn’t have an outline. 4. Writing with a sense of flow. You know how this will go on. After finishing this, you know you’ve got to do that. Then there are no messy unorganized chapters and scenes (or whatever you’re else you’re writing). You get a sense of flow, and your work will be finished faster. The Disadvantages of Outlining 1. Spoils the mystery and the fun. Okay, sometimes you may not want mystery and you may not want any fun. In that case, you should ignore this point. But for fiction writers, some don’t want to outline because they feel they cannot use their creativity and it takes away all the fun if you just fill it up. To solve this problem, Randy Ingermanson revealed a new method – the Snowflake method. It does let you outline, but doesn’t let it spoil your story. 2. May not be as good as you first thought. If you get a complete different idea for your story later, your outline is pretty much useless work. Therefore, you should try to get all the best ideas from your brain and commit them down to paper to avoid this problem. 3. Just doesn’t seem to agree with your writing style. Some people find it hard to write from an outline. They want their writing to be creative: as creative as possible. I’m one of those writers, although I sometimes write few of my ideas so that I don’t forget it. Lengthy outlining doesn’t work for some, although it does for others. It’s useless to find a one-size-fit-all outlining method, simply because there’s no such thing. Conclusion: Undecided, no right answer for everyone It all comes back to square zero. There are ton of different writing methods and processes, even different outlining methods. But don’t just try to use one because it happens to be popular or famous. It may not work for you, and cost you a whole load of precious time. Only use the method which your brain seems to like. My writing method is a bit of a mix: not an outline and not a SOTP. Maybe yours is too; or maybe you like outlining in its most literal sense. Or maybe you hate it and just like to write freely. Take your pick and have fun. No reason to write if you don’t even like your writing method. Outlining works for some people. Some famous authors can’t write without a lengthy synopsis. If you’re an outliner, you’re in good company. And of course outlining doesn’t work for some people. If you’re a SOTP, you too are in good company of famous authors. Finally, if you choose to be creative and mix it up a little, you’ll find plenty more authors with your method. Just write with which you’re most comfortable. So that’s it. After having learned the advantages and disadvantages of outlining, it’s your choice whether you choose to use it or not. It doesn’t really matter as long as you enjoy writing. Write and love it. About the Author: Idrees Patel is a 13 year old blogging about creative writing tips at Check out his free series, Creative Writing 101: a beginner’s guide to creative writing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two People20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Information Systems Theories Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Information Systems Theories Assignment - Essay Example ...................................................Page 7 Ethical Considerations In The Report†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.................Page 7 CATWOE & Root Definition Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...............Page 8 Root Definition†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....................................................Page 8 Findings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...............................................................Page 8 Discussion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...........................................................Page 9 Sustaining IT Provision of Public Services†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.........Page 10 Inventory Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦........................................Page 10 Capacity Decisions & Work Scheduling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.............Page 11 Quality†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.................................................................Page 12 HM Government Operational Performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.........Page 12 Outsourced Logistics†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...........................................Page 13 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...........................................................Page 14 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......................... ............. e of both the strategic and day-to-day operations of HM Government’s IT systems and how they influence the experiences of the British public (Porter, 2004, p.87). Various aspects of each British citizen’s experience with the government will greatly influence the general public’s perception of the quality of HM Government’s IT systems and the administrative programmes they represent. Therefore, in the current era of restless citizens, who may well take their ‘work’ to competing private contractors, there is an increased need for government representatives to be the British public’s advocates (Reynolds & Howell, 2010, p.142). HM Government’s IT systems therefore need to be influenced by many different angles and perspectives, with the closest consideration being given to the impact on HM Government’s perceived quality and equity in IT governance. Any reforms on the government systems must therefore be aimed at the satisfacti on of the British public. The Soft Systems Methodology Report Analysis of House of Commons Public Administration Committee Report This Report, entitled â€Å"Recipes for rip-offs†, is highly critical of overall HM Government IT systems procurement, implementation and support strategy. The Committee is thoroughly justified in stating that HM Government pays a lot (and by implication, far too much) for IT, as compared to the commercial sphere. The Committee recommends that these problems may be corrected through the following measures. First, the information view that HM Government has of it’s IT systems in general must be dramatically improved. This problem is due to the inadequate data that HM Government has available to it for the benchmarking of available IT products and services. It is therefore evident that HM Government pays
Estimating Purchasing and Cost Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Estimating Purchasing and Cost Control - Essay Example Cost management is an integral part of financial control and management in any for profit and non-profit organisation, notwithstanding the industry or sector. The same applies particularly to the engineering and construction sector in which the huge amounts of financial and other resources pumped must be accounted for to stakeholders such as the government, project funders and the public/customers.Unfortunately, for various reasons, many countries’ construction sectors lag behind in the use of cost control techniques such as the Cost Value Reconciliation (CVR) and Earned Value (EV), two rather common methods of cost control. Many a stakeholder cites the technical skills and the huge resources required as the reasons many constructions firms and financial managers do not apply CVR in their cost control practices. Most affected by the cost and skill requirements of CVR and other cost control techniques such as CVR and Earned Value (EV) are the small and medium-sized construction and engineering firms that lack the wherewithal to design and implement these techniques of cost control. The other reason for the little use of cost control techniques such as CVR and EV is the apparent lack of literary coverage and information on these methods, implying that stakeholders are not quite conversant with the metho.Nonetheless, these methods are generally used in the construction and engineering industry to measure and monitor project progress, profitability and performance for their strengths. One advantage of EV is that it is capable of combining the assessment of work cost, schedule and scope in a single integrated process or system. What is more, Earned Value gives accurate information and forecasts on project problems, which are important contributory factors in project management. EV has been shown to affect project planning and control aspects more even as it improves project scope and the analysis of project performance. EV is thus a positive predictor of proj ect success. The popularity of EV is evident in the many government contracts that are assessed using this method, more so in its application to assist substantiate contract disputes. This paper explores the use of cost control methods such as the Coat Value Reconciliation (CVR) and the Earned Value (EV) with regards to their effectiveness in providing information on costs, in the monitoring work progress, their benefits, ease of use, advantages and disadvantages. Practicing CVR and EV The importance of using these cost control methods in the construction and engineering sector is the uniqueness and the uncertainties that characterise each project. In fact, every project in the industry has its own set of challenges and hardships that affect not only their successful completion but also their effective use of the available resources. The uncertainties inherent in construction projects result in losses and ultimate project collapse even for big, long-established, sophisticated and fi nancially endowed constructors (Potts, 2008). With more sophisticated structures being ordered by clients every other day with the budgets getting tighter by the day, construction firms must embrace cost control and sound finance management to achieve their objectives. Just like any other cost control measures, CVR has several core elements or principles by which it is successfully applied to give the required data. Important in CVR are the totals for cost and value, which are crucial in establishing a firm’s profitability (Sidwell, 2005). In this regard, CVR’s major objective is to achieve accuracy while displaying a firm’s accounts. CVR’s display of financial accounts and position is thus among the most accurate compared to other methods. It is thus quite apparent that CVR seeks to portray a firm’s statutory accounts as a legal obligation (Sidwell, 2005). Additionally vital is CVR’
Friday, October 18, 2019
Cultural Influences on a Childs Health Research Paper
Cultural Influences on a Childs Health - Research Paper Example No one is more dedicated in contributing to a child’s health and welfare than his own immediate family members. It can be seen that the families of South Eastern countries like China and India take extreme care in bringing up their child healthily and prosperously. But with regard to American children, they depend more on medical experts and health centers for their health and medical needs. The US being a developed and advanced nation have all the latest technology and medical care system, but unfortunately, does not giving proper care and nurturing to the children when they need it the most. Illness and health beliefs: Every country has its own ancient beliefs and customs, when it comes to their child’s health and welfare For example, it is widely known fact that Chinese practice a holistic approach, when it comes to health and well –being of their child. As per Garnecki (2007)â€Å" In Chinese culture during post partum, the mother and baby are supposed to remain home-bound to prevent against death and disease†.On the contrary, an American women give least importance to their child’s health in post and pre –delivery stage. Even many European countries have their own traditional means for protecting the children from malignant diseases and illnesses. However, such things can sound hilarious to an American family, but are followed respectfully by couples in South Asian, Mexican and European countries even today. The aim of symptom management is to treat the child in advance stages of an illness.
Global Financial Crisis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global Financial Crisis - Coursework Example The intention of this study is a financial crisis as a situation where economic markets are interrupted because of controlled credit to businesses and households and the real markets of services and goods are unfavourably affected. There are immense causes or roots available for a financial crisis irrespective of any nation. Basically, the structural factors like confusion arising between the free and the continuous deregulation of markets, a remarkable rise in the role of investment markets prevailing in both banking and non-banking economic organisations, rapid use of new global monetary mechanisms, declining transparency of the free markets, increasingly spreading out high business risks, inequality in a particular businesses origination and distribution factors among others are a few of the major causes or roots of a financial crisis. Also the general factors like regular conflicts regarding the market interests among the free and capital market contributors, deviation between in dividual bank interest rates with central bank’s policy rates, extremely minimum risk-free interest rates in major economies like the US and Japan among others, growing gap between maximum capital profits and low cost of capital, spreading out unfavourable low credit difficulty across all mechanisms also constitute a few of the crucial roots of a financial crisis that are prevailing in a particular organisation or in a particular nation. (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, 2008). In the paper, the regulatory failures that especially the western industrialised countries faced and which led to the universal economic crisis in the year 2008-09, is examined along with the findings about the causes or roots of the arising financial crisis along with certain immediate tasks that should be followed in order to cope up with the financial crisis has also been discussed. Evolution of the Financial Crisis The international financial crisis was originated with the ‘sub- prime mortgage’ crisis and was eventually faced especially by the western industrialised countries during 2008-09. With the result of increase in rate of interests along with decline in home prices, there was a sharp jump in non-payment and foreclosures. In that particular period, there arose certain doubts regarding the liquidity of those assets and eventually became tough to fetch adequate price (Rangarajan, 2009). As a result of raising this crucial doubt, it gradually started to affect the prevailing institutions for their enormous investments made in their respective products. Thus, the entire financial system of the western industrialised countries was recognised to be in an acute crisis. There was a mutual distrust among the financial institutions in the western countries which led to freezing up of several markets including the inter-bank market. This crisis in a financial system had moved to affect the real sectors in various significant methodologies (Rangarajan, 20 09). Due to the evolution of financial crisis during 2008-2009 in the western industrialised countries, the emerging market risks, the bank lending flows, the foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and the export volumes among others had turned negative. The economic activities were contracted rapidly and particularly the western industrialised countries experienced large decline in their respective industrial production which weakened their credit growth (Berglof, 2010). Causes of the Financial Crisis in Western Industrialised Countries The financial crisis has been brought about by a combination of unsuitable monetary policies, extreme risk taking of certain financial organisations and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How is the Future portrayed in the novels, WE by Zamyatin and 1984 by Research Paper
How is the Future portrayed in the novels, WE by Zamyatin and 1984 by Orwell And What do the authors warn us against - Research Paper Example well and Zamyatin didnt actually believe was going to happen, but they both feared that the societies of the world would be going down those roads, so they wrote their dystopian novels about this. There are a variety of things that Orwell was warning us in his novel, and these themes are reflected in We. One is that there should not be a country that is too powerful, because that reduces the freedom of the citizenry. Related to this is the warning about tyranny – if the government is too powerful, then it represses its citizens. Repression and censorship, which comes when a government is tyrannical, is another warning that Orwell sounds, and, with this, comes sexual repression. This essay will be structured in the following ways – first, the concept that a government may become too powerful will be examined, by looking at how this is portrayed in each of the novels. This really is the central tenet of each of the novels, because a government that is too powerful is one that will react like the governments do in each of these novels. First, Orwell seems to be cautioning against the idea that any one country could become too powerful. The slogan in the future was â€Å"War is Peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength†(Orwell 26). The implication in the novel is that there are three super states that are at perpetual war with one another (Williams 12). That said, although some might misinterpret the novel as being against socialism or communism, in that, during this period of time, the Soviet Union was still a super power, therefore could be construed as being one of the superstates in the novel, Williams (12) states that this was not what was intended – rather, he did intend this to be an attack on a centralised economy in general. It was a full perversion of the centralised government that went beyond what was happening in the Soviet Union during this time. As with everything else in this novel, he took the concept of centralised government to the
Managing Strategically in The Public services Essay
Managing Strategically in The Public services - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the traditional model of administration was criticized earlier for its inward focus and short-term perspective. Both of these shortcomings have altered with the advent of public management, and the public sector now shows more concern with longer-term strategy than ever before. The strategic perspective considers the organization in its external environment; it aims to specify clear goals and objectives; it attempts to move away from routine management tasks to consider, in a systematic way, longer-term considerations of the very future of the organization. The strategy addresses ‘a crucial concern; positioning the organization to face an increasingly uncertain future. The traditional model missed out on the longer-term perspective and, by being preoccupied with process, often forgot there was a larger purpose, an overall goal, for any public organization. Using strategic concepts in the public sector is one way to address these shortcomings. Applications of strategy in the private sector are obvious enough, with considerable advantages resulting from looking a the long term and the external environment, rather than always considering more immediate internal problems. Normal management processes may be adequate for ordinary operations but it is also necessary, from time to time too, reassess the fundamental reason why the organizations exist, what it is trying to do and where it is going.... Strategic planning in the public sector is a phenomenon of gthe early 1980s, significantly later than its development in the private sector. Strategic management was also adopted but again followed the private sector with a gap of some years (Hughes 136) However strategic planning and strategic management are private sector concepts and it cannot be taken for granted that the ideas will work in the public sector. There are more problems and constraints compared to the private sector . Nutt and Backoff argue that strategic managers in the public sector 'should be wary of using private sector approaches that assume clear goals, profit or economic purposes, unlimited authority to act, secret development, limited responsibility for actions, and oversight through market mechanisms that signal financial results' and in public organisations 'many of these assumptions are not valid' in Hughes p136 Bozeman and Straussman argue that there are three major features of a strategic approach: defining goals and objectives, developingan action plan that meditates between the organisatin and the environment and designing effective methods of implementation'. (1990 in Hughes 137) The Bryson model (1988) is a strategic planning model derived from the private sector, but with some variations to allow for the public sector context: initiating and agreeing on a strategic planning process identifying organisations mandates clarifying organisation mission and values assessing the external environment (opportunities and threats) Assessing the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses) Identifying the strategic issues facing an organisation Formulating strategies to manage the issues; and Establishing an effective organisation visionf or the future In Hughes 138 The next
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How is the Future portrayed in the novels, WE by Zamyatin and 1984 by Research Paper
How is the Future portrayed in the novels, WE by Zamyatin and 1984 by Orwell And What do the authors warn us against - Research Paper Example well and Zamyatin didnt actually believe was going to happen, but they both feared that the societies of the world would be going down those roads, so they wrote their dystopian novels about this. There are a variety of things that Orwell was warning us in his novel, and these themes are reflected in We. One is that there should not be a country that is too powerful, because that reduces the freedom of the citizenry. Related to this is the warning about tyranny – if the government is too powerful, then it represses its citizens. Repression and censorship, which comes when a government is tyrannical, is another warning that Orwell sounds, and, with this, comes sexual repression. This essay will be structured in the following ways – first, the concept that a government may become too powerful will be examined, by looking at how this is portrayed in each of the novels. This really is the central tenet of each of the novels, because a government that is too powerful is one that will react like the governments do in each of these novels. First, Orwell seems to be cautioning against the idea that any one country could become too powerful. The slogan in the future was â€Å"War is Peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength†(Orwell 26). The implication in the novel is that there are three super states that are at perpetual war with one another (Williams 12). That said, although some might misinterpret the novel as being against socialism or communism, in that, during this period of time, the Soviet Union was still a super power, therefore could be construed as being one of the superstates in the novel, Williams (12) states that this was not what was intended – rather, he did intend this to be an attack on a centralised economy in general. It was a full perversion of the centralised government that went beyond what was happening in the Soviet Union during this time. As with everything else in this novel, he took the concept of centralised government to the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
International Business - Essay Example The operating systems under the software segment include Mac OS and other productivity and utility applications like I-work, Quick time player, and logic studio among others (Apple, 2013b). Apple is considered as one of the best software firms in terms of creativity and innovation. The company mainly distributes its services and product through retailers, whole sellers and exclusive Apple owned stores. Hewlett Packard, Dell, Google and Blackberry are the direct competitors of the company (NASDAQ, 2012). The current business environment is extremely volatile and changing. In order to thrive and survive in this competitive environment, companies will have to monitor and analyses the external as well as internal environment conditions before taking any business decision. Company philosophy Apple runs on the philosophy of creativity and premium (Simoes, 2001). Even though other companies are trying to cut down costs in order to increase sales and volume growth, Apple continues to price p roducts in the premium category. The company has established a loyal base of customers. Design and technology have always been the pillars of success for Apple. The other major marketing philosophy surrounding Apple is empathy, focus and Impute. Together, they provide a breakthrough competitive advantage to the company with respect to customer preference and market knowledge (Ghodeswar, 2008). Empathy concerns with understanding the exact needs to the customers (Witcher and Chau, 2010). The company has successfully embedded this philosophy with extensive research and evaluating the future trends and demands of the ever evolving customer. The second philosophy is focusing on only what is important and is necessary and removing all unimportant things from the activity plan. This increases the employee efficiency and overall productivity. The third philosophy is imputing which means that public and consumer form an opinion about the company. Thus, Apple makes sure that the image of the company is clean and balanced. External environment analysis PEST analysis will be helpful in evaluating the external environment of Apple. Political More than 50 percent of revenue of Apple comes from international markets. Thus, any change in the political scenario in the major international market will be crucial in overall growth of the organization. Economical The global economic crisis has impacted the company in an adverse way. With the high inflation rate and rising unemployment, consumers have shifted to saving mode. This has impacted the overall business of Apple, as most of its products are categorized as luxury and premium range. Fluctuating values of US dollars have also impacted the organization. Social The two major factors which have always been the forefront of Apple were designing and creativity. With the increasing disposable income, people are more attracted towards creative gadgets and technology (Beri, 2007). Apple has understood this market sentiment and cont inues to design innovative and user-friendly technology for the masses. Technological Apple throws in a large chunk of its revenue into product development and research phases. The sole purpose of this is to come out with new and innovative technology which provides competitive advantage to Apple. Opportunities and challenges An understanding of the current opportunities and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Explain Anselms Ontological Argument Essay Example for Free
Explain Anselms Ontological Argument Essay Anselm wanted to prove the existence of God, so he proposed the ontological argument. The ontological argument is deductive, and uses a priori reasoning. This means that it starts with a statement that is known to be true solely through definition (God is the greatest conceivable being) and develops the implications of this statement in order to reach a reasonable conclusion. The deductive reasoning allows him to simply showing what the definition means. Hence, Anselm states that God exists in the mind, even the mind of those who deny His existence. However he points out that it is greater to exist in reality and in the mind than in the mind alone. Take for example; a pile of notes worth  £1000. If it exists in the mind it is merely a pleasant thought, however, if it exists in reality it can be spent and is greater. Since God is the greatest conceivable being, He must exist in reality and in the mind, because to think otherwise involves contradiction of the theory, which you agree with. Anselm also says that God could possibly be a contingent God, who is dependent on something else for existence. If this was true God would not be worthy of worship and would not be the greatest conceivable being. A necessary God, one whose non existence is impossible, is greater than a contingent God whose non existence is possible. God has no creator, so to have to have someone else to depend on for existence, means they are not God. Therefore, we must accept that god is also necessary, as well as existant in reality, because to think otherwise involves a contradiction. The reason for people being able to deny the existence of God is due to them knowing the definition of the word God, not the existence of God.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effects of Privatization on Performance
Effects of Privatization on Performance This research study investigates the impact of privatization on the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) financial performance which is privatize in 2005.The variables Net Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Return on Assets and Earnings per Share and Number of trades of shares are used as representation for financial performance. The paired-samples t test for mean difference has been used for comparing the pre and post privatization performance. Analysis of the financial data shows decline in the net profit margin, operating profit margins, return on assets and earnings per share after the privatization; but the impact is insignificant for all the variables except the operating profit margin. The effects of privatization on employees performance and management remain a potential problem and issue for further research due to shortage of resources and knowledge. Effect of Privatization on Performance Poor performance of many companies and public institutions in general has shown that in principle the government is not a good businessman. In this regard Privatization, a global phenomenon considered as a tool that leads to economic growth, increase in productivity, efficiency in utilization of resources and expansion in output and employment. The rational consumer takes benefits from competition among private firms in the form of better quality services and low prices especially in banking, air travel and telecommunication sectors. Due to rigidity in our culture, Public Sector companies do not become flexible and more dynamic as compared to Private companies. In general, it can be claimed that privatization is a part of a broader economic policy which is referred to as the economic release or connecting to the world economy by some governments. Privatization is the process of changing the conditions of governmental activities so that the major context is fixed but the atmosphere of the sectors changes and the effect of atmosphere and conditions of markets on companies performance is likely to consider private sectors mechanisms Telecommunication plays a vital role in the economic development of any country. PTCL was privatized in 2005. Due to the privatization of PTCL, overall financial performance and the share prices of the PTCL became volatile. This purpose of this study is to study dynamic aspects of privatization and compare the pre and post privatization financial performance of the company. An overview of PTCL In 1947, after independence, Pakistan had an insufficient telecom base. Only 14,000 land lines were there in whole country and only one department of Telephone and Post Telegraph. In 1962 these two departments were alienated as Postal department and Telephone and Telegraph Department (TT). Pakistan started gradually enhancement in telecommunication sector in 1990. The brief history of PTCL is as follows: Telegraph and Postal Department was established in 1947. Telephone and Telegraph Department was established in 1962. Pakistan Telecom Corporation was established in 1990-1991. PTCL was listed in the Karachi Stock Exchange in 1996. Internet and mobile subsidiaries was established in 1998. Policies of Telecom sectors were finalized in 2000. Deregulation policy of Telecom sector was announced in 2003. Objectives of Research This research study aims to examine the effect of firms privatization on the performance of the Pakistan Telecommunication Limited (PTCL). The objectives of the study are as follows: To evaluate impact of privatization on the financial performance of PTCL. To understand whether privatization how much privatization is effective To help policy makers and other authoritative bodies regarding decision making about privatization. Literature Review Memon (2007) argue that privatization and the preparations for privatization are very important to minimize the social costs and dislocations caused by such initiative. Most South Asian countries have come to realize that privatization for the purpose of reducing fiscal deficits has caused them to off-load those enterprises which are loss making first. Such action has not inspired private sector confidence, and has resulted in large-scale worker retrenchment. Privatization is the key factor that enables markets to work properly and appropriately. According to Megginson Netter (2006) from last two decades most countries of the world shifted their firms from state ownership to privatization. In 1999 the revenue of privatization firms was $ 1 trillion around the globe. Given the importance of the subject, a lot of studies have been performed to analyze the impact of privatization in a number of countries. Taghizadeh (2009) compared 12 privatized telecom corporations with 12 non-privatized (governmental) ones regarding their per capita cost of operating, per capita cost to fix damages and per capita wage and costs of labor maintenance and conclude that the costs were lower in privatized centers regarding all three above mentioned domains. A recent study (Farinos et al., 2007) while investigating the companies privatized in Spain through the years 1990-2001 argue that privatization has had a great impact on efficiency, sale income and employment. Warzynski (2003) in his study of 300 Ukrainian firms finds that competition does not have a significant effect on firm performance measured by productivity and profitability while privatization has a marginal positive significant effect on profitability and an insignificant effect on productivity. He points out; however, that competition and privatization might be complementary measures, as he finds that competition increases the performance of privatized firms. Boubakri et al. (2005) study the post privatization corporate governance of firms and show that performance gains are associated with the type of dominant owners. Choi and Hassan (2011) argue that Privatized banks, on average, perform better than established banks, whereas this is not true where we do not consider country differences across privatizations. They conclude that although governance and foreign ownership are significantly correlated with decreased performance deviation of privatized banks relative to the established bank group, banking freedom (regulations) and extensive deposit insurance schemes in respective economies are associated with increased performance deviation. A recent study (Okten Arin, 2006) on the effect of privatization argues privatized firms improve productive efficiency by increasing their capita l and decreasing their labor endowment. But this effect disappears when we control for changes in market structure using a measure for market concentration. Hence, while private ownership has a robust positive effect on productive efficiency, whether gains in productivity will be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices will depend on the market structure ensuing from privatization. Kerr et al., (2008) studied the privatization process in New Zealand and Australia through which they confirmed that the performance of companies after being privatized has improved greatly and privatization has increased the annual growth of New Zealand companies up to 12% and Australian companies up to 9%. Another study (Sarboland, 2012) conducted in Iran conclude that privatization has increased the overall financial performance of the corporation, however financial (debt) leverage ratios also increase, which reflects the companys poor performance in the years after privatization because in such a situation creditors will have less assurance and, moreover, in the view of lenders the less financial (debt) leverage ratio, the better. Some research studies found average performance after reforms, whereas, some studies found positive effect of reforms. However, most of the literature suggests that there is a significant relation between privatization and efficiency and due to the importance and the role that privatization has in increasing efficiency and optimum use of resources, more research is needed to confirm or reject the findings of previous studies. To do so, this current study has been tried to investigate the relation between privatization and efficiency in PTCL. Methodology The study basically focuses on the impact of Privatization on the financial performance of PTCL. Since the domain is PTCL, financial ratios of years 2000-2004 (before being privatized) and financial ratios of years 2005-2009 (after being privatized) have been analyzed, research population and sample are the same. Information and data needed for this research has been collected from the annual reports of PTCL. Since used data was obtained from company documents and financial records and accounting, the data is considered reliable. For measuring financial performance the following four variables have been used: Operating Profit Margin Net Profit Margin Return On Equity Earnings per share Number of Share trade In this study, to analyze data obtained from documents available in finance department, first, after separating and identifying the data of two periods (i.e., after and before privatization), the paired-samples t test for mean difference has been applied to analyze the data. This test explains volatility and significance of the variables, with the assumptions that the distribution of the variable is normal and that the variance of the variable is same in both set of populations. The test id done with help of Microsoft excel and SPSS. Analysis and Findings Refer to Table.1 in appendix, the shows summary of result of Paired-samples t test for the variable operating profit margin. Mean value of the operating profit margin is lower in the post privatization period. On the other hand, standard deviation is higher in the post privatization period as compared to pre privatization period. It indicates that privatization has negative impact on the net profit margin; moreover, it has also become more volatile after privatization. Whereas, the significant value is less than 0.05 which indicates that significant change has been observed in the operating profit margin after privatization. Refer to Table. 2, 3, 4 in appendix, the result shows summary of result of Paired-samples t test for the variable Net Profit Margin, Return on Equity, and Earning per Share respectively. Results show that all of these three variables have declined after privatization, and have become more volatile. The significance value is greater than 0.05 which indicates that changes in these variables are not statistically significant. Refer to Table. 5 in appendix, the result summarizes result of paired t test for the variable Number of trades. The mean value of the Number of trades is almost double in the post privatization whereas, the standard deviation for the number of trades is high in the post privatization period. P or significant value for the variable Number of Trades is highly significant as it is less than .005 indicating that the number of trades per day is significantly affected due to privatization. Conclusion Based on the results obtained, it was shown that there is a significant effect of privatization on the average number of trades of shares. This effect is being found positive as well. However, Analysis of the financial data shows decline in the financial performance of the company after privatization measured by operating profit margin, net profit margin, return on equity and earnings per share ratio. These entire four variables show decline in the post privatization period but the change is significant only in the variable operating profit margin. Hence we can conclude that privatization of PTCL has not been found analytically favorable. It is recommended, based on the result of the research, the legislative agencies should make appropriate policies to achieve a suitable market for Pakistan. Information clarification, choice of investor and a transparent privatization process should be the top priorities of authoritative bodies in order to make privatization more effective and effic ient. As suggested by Zeitun and Tian (2007) a privatization reform should go gradually and government should provide all necessary social securities to reduce the negative social impact of a firms liquidation. Issues for Future Research Many issues are not covered during the study due to shortage of resources and time. Based on the findings of the current research the following suggestions are recommended for further research: To examine the relation between privatization and management performance. To examine the impact of privatization on employees sense of job security. To examine the failures of financial ratios in decision makings. To examine the analysis of financial ratios in decision makings. To examine the impact of privatization on staffs efficiency.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Borderline Personality Disorder Essays -- Psychology Psychological Hea
Borderline personality disorder "is defined in the DSM IV, a manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose all mental disorders, as an AXIS II disorder which has symptoms of impulsively and emotional dysregulation" (Livesley 146). A person with BPD has feelings of abandonment and emptiness, and has "frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, going to extremes to keep someone from leaving" (Burger 300). He or she is emotionally unstable and forms intense but unstable interpersonal relationships. They show impulsive behavior, such as spending money, sex, eating and substance abuse. Borderlines engage in self-manipulating behaviors and recurrent suicide attempts and thoughts. "Their behavior can be seen as maladaptive methods of coping with constant emotional pain" (Livesley 144). "Personality includes those aspects of a person's thinking, moods and behavior which affect his or her relationship with others" (Livesley 98). Differences in personality style (traits) add color and variety to relationships but may become too extreme, inflexible or maladaptive, significantly impairing a person's ability to function. When a person is not able to deal with people or problems of the environment, he or she is said to have a Personality Disorder (Livesley 99). "Originally the term borderline was used to refer to individuals whose adjustment was on the borderline between normal and psychotic" (Holmes 393). Today borderline personality disorder is primarily marked by instability, showing different symptoms at different times. Most of the symptoms revolve around problems of mood, mild disturbance in thought processes, and impulsive self-injurious behavior (Holmes 393). All of this prevents the borderline to have interpersonal relationships. Individuals with the borderline personality disorder tend to have intense relationships that are very unstable. "Frequent interpersonal conflict, unstable, stormy relationships are characteristics of a borderline; Relationships usually have "love and hate characteristics" (Durand 334). Individuals with this disorder do not simply drift in and out of friendships, but instead show abrupt, frequent and dramatic changes between "intense love and equally intense hate" (Durand 334) in any one relationship. The fluctuations in their mood, involved with their anger; involved with their thought disturbances, and mixed with their paranoid thoughts ab... ...ometimes symptoms can go unnoticed or are misunderstood. "Persons with BPD may often be thought of as manipulative or as attention-seeking (Burger 134). They can sometimes "act as if" they are okay. "People with BPD need validation and acknowledgment of the pain they struggle to live with as well as compassion without blame or judgments (Durand 99). Family members should always take suicidal statements and threats seriously and alert a mental health professional as soon as possible. "Education for family members cannot be stressed enough (Durand 99). Families need to learn all they can about BPD so that they can advocate for appropriate treatment for their loved ones. Informed families are then better able to deal with the stigma often encountered from mental health professionals. Instability might not even do borderlines justice, (Burger 199) chaotic is the best word to describe the life of a borderline. Their lives are intense their friendships abrupt. BPD is extremely painful to the patients, their families and to society. People with BPD experience intense emotions and are very vulnerable. They are among the most intensive and extensive utilizes of mental health services.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tourism in Lesotho
It is called the Kingdom in the sky. Where you can touch the clouds and be as one with nature. The mountains of Lesotho provides serenity, a rejuvenation of the mind, a revitalizing of the spirit things which cannot be described but can only be experienced. And it is too true that if you have not been to the mountains, you have not been to Lesotho. The sheer majesty of the peaks as they kiss the clouds leaves one breathless, the cascading rivers flowing from on high bringing forth life giving, nature’s best, fresh clean crystal clear water. It is as if you have crossed into another realm. This natural tourist paradise is begging to be marketed to draw people from all over the world for the benefit of Basotho people. The mountains are but one of the many tourist attractions Lesotho is endowed with. Added to them are the falls the historical monuments which have enriched the folklore of the country for many years. All these places have potential to generate income especially during the 2010 soccer world cup if well marketed, making big strides towards the achievement of the national vision 2020. Promoting tourism in Lesotho is a sure fire way to social and economic development, and to the attraction of much needed foreign investment. Lesotho is really a wonderland for nature lovers or those who simply appreciate the wonders of nature. It has a real culture, natural history and boundless ecotourism options. Overview of Lesotho as tourist destination â€Å"Kingdom in the sky†, also known as â€Å"Friendly mountain Kingdom†. This popular eco destination is characterized by its remote, rugged mountains and deep valleys, with plummeting waterfalls that form a spectacular frozen stalactite in the winter months. Lesotho is truly idyllic destination. A mere four hours drive from Johannesburg or Durban is a place where the sun shines three hundred days a year. This country has the lowest point that is one thousand meters above sea level and boasts the highest single drop in Southern Africa. It has the highest road pass in Southern Africa at 3275 meters and is one of the few countries in the world that is completely land locked. Lesotho’s two main mountain ranges are the Snow-capped Maloti and Drakensbug ranges. The capital, Maseru, is the only city in Lesotho. However there are also several large towns in each of its ten districts. The ever-friendly Basotho people are eager to share their culture with tourists. The serene simplicity of their highlands life is enviable. This indeed is a country where time stands still. For the people of the world, the natural and cultural features that are of outstanding universal importance and value include the unique mountain wet lands and alpine tundra eco systems, the superlative natural beauty and the distinctive array of both plants and animals. In addition, the natural setting provides a glimpse into a way of life of the San who once lived there, documenting their lives and spirituality in over 40 thousand rock art images in almost 600 sites. Liphofung (place of Clarence) Situated just off the main road from Butha-Buthe to Mokhotlong, Liphofung (place of Clarence), was a stop over for Moshoeshoe I the founder of the Basotho Nation on his way from Menkhoaneng to Thaba-Busiu. The place is now famous for its museum and one of the largest galleries in the world which has the art of the first habitats of Lesotho, the San (Bush men) who lived there over 10 000 years ago. Some of the rock paintings Close by, with a height of 3482m (11 424 ft), is Thabana-Ntlenyana, which literally means ‘Beautiful Little Black Mountain’. It is the highest point in Lesotho and the highest mountain in Africa South of Kilimanjaro. It is found in Mokhotlong district, 15km (approximately 1. 5 hrs. drive) from the top of Sani Pass and it is to the top of Kotisephola Pass, 3250m. It is famous for its unpredictable atmospheric weather, veering from thunderstorms, very low temperatures to scorching suns or siege by mysterious mists which make it more unforgettable. These mountains are best experienced from within Lesotho. Historically it is here in these mountains where Basotho fled from the Zulu King Shaka, in the 19th century. The mountains became their fortress and protection. The route to Thabana-Ntlenyana is filled with formidable twists and turns of the sheer craggy mountains, majestic valleys and cascading streams meandering between the rocks. A combination of all these is a definition of a true scenic beauty giving a sense of remoteness in spring and summer, but a virginal white in winter. There is a friendly highest pub in Africa called Sani Top Chalet at 2874m above sea level. The route to Thabana-Ntlenyana is filled with formidable twists and turns of the sheer craggy mountains, majestic valleys and cascading streams meandering between the rocks. Combination of all these is a definition of a true scenic beauty. The plateau landscape is simply beautiful with awesome vegetation, open yellow plains and a distinct sense of remoteness , more especially during spring and summer seasons, but a virginal white in winter. Visible along the route are small stone build huts ( called Metebo in Sesotho) which are in isolation, deep into the mountains, in which rural Basotho shepherds live while looking after their cattle and sheep. There are many view points where tourists can stop to observe this remarkable beauty. This arduous trek to Thabana-Ntlenyana can be undertaken on a horseback or alternatively a 4WD vehicle. Thabana-Ntlenyana is also preferred for skiing, ice skating and snowboarding during winter season, which is from May to August. Near this mountain are the headwaters of the Tugela and Senqu (Orange) rivers, where fly fishing and water rafting are possible during summer season. Hiking, rock climbing and pony trekking are enjoyed throughout the year. Mornings here are such heart-warming with different kinds of birds with beautiful music to prepare you to the day ahead. It is with no doubt that a day is just not enough for one to be at this place because of the many activities provided here. Among the most interesting activities provided, here is ‘walking’ which really offers an ideal way in which to explore the fascinating archaeological sites found in this area. Afri-Ski The novelty of snow in Africa is best experienced at Afri-Ski which caters for skiing in winter. With a ski slope 3222m above sea level, Afri-Ski is the largest skiing resort in Africa. The skiers are accommodated at the New Oxbow Lodge and self catering Mahlasela Lodge. Trout fishing and water rafting take place in summer in Maliba-Mats`o, a river just a couple kilometers from Oxbow Lodge. Pony Trekking is another activity in summer. Letseng Diamond mine It is not just a diamond mine!. It is the world’s highest altitude mine with 3 kilometres above sea level, experiencing -20 degrees Celsius in winter . It is in this mine where the highest proportions of largest stones of any mine in the world are found. The discoveries states that in 1967 a 601 carat stone was discovered and a 215 carat stone was recovered in 2005. In August 2006, a 603 carat stone was discovered being â€Å"the 15th largest rough diamond ever discovered, and the biggest diamond un covered in this century†. Letseng does not only play a significant role in the economy of Lesotho as a mine but also as a tourist destination as it accommodates tourists who want to have a feel of the ‘Mine in the sky’ as it were. This is enhanced by the close proximity of â€Å"The Khubelu Hot spring. †The hot spring is at close range to Letseng Diamond mine, sharing social backgrounds and other aspects encompassed in Mental, Physical and Spiritual building of a living being. Khatse Dam This centerpiece of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is a fine piece of engineering. The flooded valleys of the dam extend for 45km and the dam wall is 185m high. This dam is second in size (in Africa) only to the Lake Volta Akosombo Dam in Ghana. The view of this massive dam from Mafika Lisiu Pass is magnificent and is often of great interest to visitors. The centre piece of the whole project is the dam wall which is the highest in Africa. An area of the lake can be devoted to water sports. Thaba Bosiu Thaba-Bosiu is Lesotho’s great national monument. The mystical Thaba Bosiu is a flat-topped hill which was used by Moshoeshoe I as his citadel when establishing the nation. In translation, the name means ‘Mountain of the night’ and it is believed that the enemies of Moshoeshoe could not attack as the hill became a formidable mountain at night but went back to a hill during the day. The substantial remains of the King’s dwellings and villages and the royal cemetery of Lesotho are on top of the hill. Maletsunyane Falls Maletsunyane Falls in Semonkong is one of the highest single-drop falls in Southern Africa plunging 200 meters into a swim able pool whose stunning natural scenery is unspoiled by anything man-made. It is nearly twice as high as Victoria Falls, though not nearly as wide. The falls are very impressive, and can be visited on pony-trekking trails from both Malealea to the West and Molimo Nthuse to the North. Maletsunyane Falls are most spectacular in summer when the flow is highest, but in winter the water freezes, spraying the rocks with ice water. Conclusion Lesotho is indeed in a class of its own in tourism terms and the sensitive exploitation of its endowments can firmly place the country on the world tourism map.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 14
14. The Samurai of Jackson Street II Katusumi Okata had lived among the gaijin for forty years. An American art dealer, traveling through Hokkaido in search of woodblock prints from the Edo period, had come into Katusumi's father's workshop, seen the boy's prints, and offered to bring Okata to San Francisco to create prints for his gallery on Jackson Street. The printmaker had lived in this same basement apartment since. He'd once had a wife, Yuriko, but she had been killed in front of him on the street when he was twenty-three, so now he lived alone. The apartment had a concrete floor covered by two grass mats, a table that held his printmaking tools, a two-burner stove, an electric kettle, his swords, a futon, three sets of clothes, an old phonograph, and now, a burned-up white woman. She really didn't go with anything else, no matter how he arranged her. He thought he might make a series of prints of her-her blackened, skeletal form posed about the apartment like some demon wraith from a Shinto nightmare, but the composition wasn't working. He walked up to Chinatown and bought a bouquet of red tulips and put them on the futon beside her, but even with the added color and design element, the picture wasn't working. And she was making his futon smell like burned hair. Okata was not used to company, and he wasn't sure how to keep up his end of the conversation. He had once made friends with two rats who came out of a hole in the brick wall. He had talked to them and fed them on the condition that they not bring any friends, but they hadn't listened and he was forced to mortar up the hole. He figured they didn't speak Japanese. To be fair, however, she wasn't doing very well holding up her side of the conversation, either-lying there like a bog person dipped in creosote, her mouth open as if in a scream of agony. He sat on a stool next to the futon with his sketch pad and a pencil and began to sketch her for a print. He had very much admired the great cape of red curls that streamed out behind her when he'd seen her on the street, and he was sorry that all but a few strands had burned away in the sun. A shame. Perhaps he could draw the red curls in anyway. Make them swirl around the blackened rictus like one of Hokusai's waves. He knew what she was, of course. He was still healing from his encounter with the vampire cats, and it took no little bit of sketching to fill in the details, especially as her fangs were pointing prominently at his ceiling right now and they were far too long and sharp to be those of a normal burned-up white girl. He filled three pages with sketches, experimenting with angles and composition, but on the fourth page he found that a sadness had overcome him that he could not chase away with the moment created in making a drawing. Katusumi retrieved his wakizashi short sword from the stand on his work table, unsheathed it, and knelt by the futon. He bowed deeply, then put the point of the sword on the pad of his left thumb and cut. He held his thumb over her open mouth and the dark blood dripped over her teeth and lips. Would she be like the cats? Savage? A monster? He held the razor-edged wakizashi ready in his right hand, should a demon awake. But if he'd been able to raise his beloved Yuriko, even as a demon, wouldn't he have? All the years that had passed, kendo training, drawing, carving, meditating, walking the streets unafraid, alone, hadn't they all been about that? About making Yuriko live? Or not living without her? When the burned-up girl jerked with a great, rasping intake of breath, cinders cracked off her ribs and peppered the yellow futon and water began to flow from the swordsman's eyes. RIVERA AND CAVUTO Marvin the cadaver dog took them to the Wine Country. There they found Bummer and Lazarus, the Emperor's dogs, guarding a Dumpster in an alley behind an abandoned building. Marvin pawed the Dumpster, and tried to stay on task while the Boston terrier sniffed his junk and the golden retriever looked around, a little embarrassed. Nick Cavuto held the lid, ready to lift it. â€Å"Maybe we should call the Wong kid and see if our sunlight jackets are done, then open it.†â€Å"It's daylight,†said Rivera. â€Å"Even if there are, uh, creatures in there, they'll be immobile.†Rivera still had a very difficult time saying the word â€Å"vampires†out loud. â€Å"Marvin says there's a body in there, we need to look.†Cavuto shrugged, lifted the lid of the Dumpster and braced himself for a wave of rotten meat smell, but there was none. â€Å"Empty.†Bummer barked. Marvin pawed at the side of the Dumpster. Lazarus chuffed, which was dog for, â€Å"Duh. Look behind it.†Rivera looked in. Other than a couple of broken wine bottles and the rice part of a taco combo plate, there was nothing in the Dumpster, yet Marvin still pawed at the steel, which was the signal he had been trained to give when he'd found a corpse. â€Å"Maybe we should give Marvin a biscuit to reset him or something,†said Rivera. â€Å"No corpse, no biscuit, that's the rule,†said Cavuto. â€Å"We all have to live by it.†At the mention of a biscuit both Bummer and Marvin stopped what they were doing, sat, looked dutiful and contrite, and gave Rivera the â€Å"I need and deeply deserve a biscuit†look. Frustrated with what biscuit whores his cohorts were, Lazarus went to the side of the Dumpster and started pawing the space between it and the wall, then tried to stuff his muzzle in behind it. Cavuto shrugged, pulled on a pair of form-fitting mechanics gloves from his jacket pocket, and pulled the cement blocks from under the Dumpster's wheels. Rivera watched in horror as the realization hit that he was probably going to get Dumpster schmutz, or worse, on his expensive Italian suit. â€Å"Man up, Rivera,†Cavuto said. â€Å"There's police work to be done.†â€Å"Shouldn't we call some uniforms in to do it? I mean, we're detectives.†Cavuto stood up and looked at his partner. â€Å"You really believe the movies when James Bond kills thirty guys hand to hand, blows up the secret lair, gets set on fire, then escapes under water and his tux doesn't even get wrinkled, don't you?†â€Å"You can't just buy one of those off the rack,†Rivera said. â€Å"It's a high-tech fabric.†â€Å"Just give me a hand with this thing, would you?†Once the Dumpster was in the middle of the alley, the three dogs more or less dogpiled in front of the boarded-up window, Marvin doing his highly trained, â€Å"There's a dead guy in here, give me a biscuit†paw scrape, Bummer barking like he was announcing the big sale event down at Yap-mart and everything had to go, and Lazarus rolling out a long, doleful howl. â€Å"Probably in there,†said Cavuto. â€Å"Ya think?†said Rivera. Cavuto was able to work his fingers between the sheet of plywood and the window frame and pulled it out. Before he could even set it aside Bummer had leapt through the window into the darkness. Lazarus pawed the windowsill, then leapt after his companion. Marvin, the cadaver dog, backed away, then ruffed twice and tossed his head, which translated to, â€Å"No, I'm good, you guys go ahead, just give me my biscuit. I'll be over here-well, would you look at that-those balls definitely need some tongue attention. No, it's okay, go on without me.†Marvin had a nose that could distinguish as many different odors as the human eye could colors, in the range of sixteen million distinct scents. Unfortunately, his doggie brain had a much more limited vocabulary for giving name to those scents and he processed what he smelled as: dead cats, many, dead humans, many, dead rats, many, poo and wee, many flavors, none fresh, and old guy who needs a shower; none of which would have given him pause. The smell that he couldn't file, that he didn't have a response for, that stopped him at the window, was a new one: dead, but not dead. Undead. It was scary, and licking his balls calmed him and kept his mind off the biscuit that they owed him. Rivera shone his flashlight around the room. The basement appeared empty but for piles of debris and a thick layer of dust and ash over the floor, textured with the paw prints of hundreds of cats. He could see the movement of Bummer and Lazarus just at the edge of the flashlight's beam. They were scratching at a metal door. â€Å"We'll need the crowbar out of the car,†said Rivera. â€Å"You're going in there?†asked Cavuto. â€Å"In that suit?†Rivera nodded. â€Å"There's something down there, one of us has to.†â€Å"You're a goddamn hero, Rivera, that's what you are. A real, dyed in the worsted wool and silk blend hero.†â€Å"Yeah, there's that, and you can't fit through the window.†â€Å"Can too,†said Cavuto. Five minutes later they were both standing in the middle of the basement, fanning their Surefire ballistic flashlights through the dust like they were wielding silent light sabers. Rivera led the way to the steel door that the hounds were going at as if someone had duct taped it to a fox. â€Å"You guys, shut up!†Rivera snapped, and much to his surprise, Bummer and Lazarus fell silent and sat. Rivera looked back at his partner. â€Å"That's spooky.†â€Å"Yeah, and praise Willie Mays that's the only spooky thing going on here.†Cavuto was a deeply religious San Francisco Giants fan and genuflected whenever he passed the bronze statue of Willie Mays outside the ball park. â€Å"Good point,†said Rivera. He tried the door, which didn't budge, but it was clear from the arc plowed into the dust and ashes that it had been opened recently. â€Å"Crowbar,†he said, reaching back. Cavuto handed him the crowbar and at the same time drew his gun from his shoulder holster, a ridiculously large Desert Eagle.50-caliber automatic. â€Å"When did you start carrying that thing again?†â€Å"Right after you said the v-word out loud at Sacred Heart.†â€Å"It won't stop them, you know.†â€Å"It makes me feel better. You want to hold it while I pry the door?†â€Å"If there's a-one of them-in there, they'll be dormant or whatever you call it. It's daytime, they can't attack.†â€Å"Yeah, well, just in case they didn't get the memo.†â€Å"I got it.†Rivera fit the crowbar in the door jamb and threw his weight against it. On the third push, something snapped and the door scraped open an inch. Bummer and Lazarus were up instantly, with their noses in the gap. Rivera looked back at Cavuto, who nodded, and Rivera pulled the door open and stepped away. A pile of shelving and junk blocked the doorway, but Bummer and Lazarus were able to thread their way through it and were in the room, barking in frantic, desperate yelps. Through a gap in the junk, Rivera played the beam of his flashlight around the small storeroom, over barrels, shelving, and piles of dusty clothing. â€Å"Clear,†he said. Cavuto joined him in the doorway. â€Å"Clear, my ass.†The big cop kicked his way through the barricade, holding his flashlight high in one hand and the Desert Eagle trained on a row of barrels on the right side of the room, where Bummer and Lazarus were currently indulging a hurricane-level doggie freakout. Rivera followed his partner into the room, then approached the barrels while Cavuto covered him. Beyond the barking, he heard a faint metal tapping coming from one of the barrels. The barrel was upside-down and had held some kind of solid, the label said something about water-filtering mineral. It was sitting on its lid, which was only partially crimped on. â€Å"Something's in there.†â€Å"Plug your ears,†said Cavuto, cocking the hammer on the Desert Eagle, and aiming for the center of the barrel. â€Å"Are you high? You can't fire that thing in here.†â€Å"Well there's can't and there's shouldn't. I probably shouldn't fire it.†â€Å"Cover me, I'm pushing it over.†Before Cavuto could answer Rivera grabbed the edge of the barrel and shoved with all his might. It was heavy, and fell hard. Bummer and Lazarus rocketed around to the exposed lid and were pawing at it. â€Å"Ready?†said Rivera. â€Å"Go,†said Cavuto. Rivera kicked the edge of the lid and it clanked off, then landed with a dull thud in the thick dust on the floor. Bummer rocketed inside while Lazarus frisked back and forth outside. Rivera drew his weapon and moved to where he could look into the barrel. He was met first by a gray storm of hair, then two crystal blue eyes set in a wide, weathered face. â€Å"Well that was unpleasant,†said the Emperor, around the sloppy bath of dog spit he was receiving from Bummer. â€Å"I'll bet,†said Rivera, lowering his weapon. â€Å"I may require some assistance extricating myself from this container.†â€Å"We can do that,†said Cavuto. Cavuto was fighting back a very bad case of the empathy willies, imagining himself spending a night, maybe longer, upside-down, shoved inside a barrel. He and the Emperor were about the same size. â€Å"You in pain?†â€Å"Oh no, thank you, I lost the feeling in my arms and legs quite some time ago.†â€Å"I'm guessing you didn't get in there on your own, did you?†said Rivera. â€Å"No, this was not my doing,†said the Emperor. â€Å"I was roughly handled, but it appears to have saved my life. There wasn't enough room in the barrel for any of them to become solid. There were hundreds of the fiends around me. But you saw them as you came in, I'm sure.†Rivera shook his head. â€Å"You mean the cats? No, there are tracks everywhere, but the place is empty.†â€Å"Well that's not good,†said the Emperor. â€Å"No, it's not.†Rivera was distracted. He'd been playing his flashlight beam around the room, looking for something to help them get the Emperor out of the barrel. He stopped the beam on a spot by the shelves where the dust hadn't been stirred by their rescue efforts. There, as clearly as if it had been made in plaster of Paris to send home for Mother's Day, was a single human footprint. â€Å"That's not good at all,†he said. From outside the window Marvin barked three times quickly, which Rivera thought was a warning, but translated from dog to: â€Å"Hey, can I get a friggin' biscuit out here, or what?â€
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